“Il est vrai que son gâteau, subtil et parfumé, est unique. Il ressemble aux gâteaux aux fruits d'autrefois, dont se souviendront les anciens. Ceux dont on coupe une mince tranche et qu'on savoure avec un grand thé, un cidre de glace Neige ou encore un grand rhum ou un grand cognac.”
“Après tout, c'est Noël, pourquoi ne pas redonner vie au gâteau aux fruits? De toute façon, le gâteau aux fruits, on aime ou on n'aime pas!”
Le Devoir
Philippe Mollé
“His fruitcakes serve to slow down time in more ways than one. Aged anywhere between three months and four years, the fruitcakes are the product of a litany of laborious processes—weighing, fruit-marinating, cake-curing— none of which make for a rapid venture.”
“The rich, tangy and delightfully heady taste that results is so authoritative that it forces you to stop, to halt, to reflect. It seems almost a provocation to the industrial food realm, where volume and speed reign supreme.”
Fringe Food
Josh Davidson